Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Hacker Has Been Hacked!

After so much discussion of Facebook in class and the attention to the founder, Mark Zuckerberg, through the film Social Network, I HAD to post when I found this article

Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook account was hacked! 

The hacker apparently made Zuckerberg’s status state:

"Let the hacking begin: If Facebook needs money, instead of going to the banks, why doesn't Facebook let its users invest in Facebook in a social way? Why not transform Facebook into a 'social business' the way Nobel Price winner Muhammad Yunus described it? What do you think? #hackercup2011"

I cannot believe this story! The hacker of all hackers has been hacked! It is beautiful! I cannot help but smile ear to ear.

According to the article, Facebook and Zuckerberg have not made a formal response. But the status has been removed. I can’t wait to see what happens next!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! I think stuff like this-- the hacker getting hacked-- is what they call "poetic justice".
